Baba Farid University of Health Scineces,Faridkot
List of NEET UG 2023 candidates who have submitted their willingness for 4th (UG Dental) Round of counselling till now 12/03/2025 10:06:25  [NEET Rank Wise]
                   (Final willingness list shall be updated after reconciliation of fees)6
223423142564KHUSHBUSHILAP MITTALPrivate Colleges Only
226651203647HIRA LAL GOYALRAJ KUMAR GOYALPrivate Colleges Only
222274469303GURAVREET KAURGURLAL SINGHPrivate Colleges Only
225950628484TWINKLE GUPTAAASHISH GUPTAPrivate Colleges Only
2234791218168SIMRANBALIHAR KUMARPrivate Colleges Only
2254391264614ARYAM BHATIARAJESH BHATIAPrivate Colleges Only