Fill Application Form
Please fill
Application form carefully and after successfull registration, you will receive a Registration No. and Password on your
registered mobile no. and Email.
Please deposit requiste fee
through Bank Challan generated after Registration. |
Step 2 - Upload Photo,Signature of Candidate
Please Upload your 30kb size passport size of Photograph and Signature. Photo must be latest
indentical .
Name of the Candidate must be printed at bottom of Uploaded Photo alongwith Date. |
Step 3 - Lock
Application Form
Please Lock your
Application form only if you sure that all the information entered by you
is correct. Because you can't edit your application form information after
locking it. Please check information entred in
Application form carefully
before locking it.
Step 4 - Print
Application Form:
You can take print out of your application only if your
Application form is locked.
So, first lock your Application form then take print out. Please don't send this
printout to University.
Step 5 - Download Admit
Please download your recruitment test admit card on specified date.You
have to log in your account and get the print out of Admit Card, the detail venue
and time will be printed on admit card. Only those candidates who deposit Fee within stipulated date and time will be alloted online
Rollno. |
I have read the Term and Conditions given in University website carefully.