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                     Important Instructions for filling of Online PPMET(B.Sc Nursing)  Application Form

Note:-              Candidate should have attained or will attain the age of 17 (seventeen) years as on 31st December 2024. Candidates born on or after 01.01.2008  are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.

                                                                Step 1 - Fill Registration Form
Please fill registration form carefully and after successfull registration of application form, you will receive a Registration No. and Password on your mobile and Email. Please deposit  Fee for SC category is 2770/- and 4540/-for General and other categories (including counselling fee Rs.1000/-) through online bank gateway.
 Step 2 - Upload Photo,Signature
Please Upload your 25kb size passport size of Photograph. Photo  must be latest and  indentical .
Name of the Candidate must be printed at bottom of Uploaded Photo alongwith Date.
    Step 3 - Lock Application
Application shall be automatically locked after last date of apply.
   Step 4 - Print Application
You can take print out of your application only if your application form is locked. So, first lock your application then take print out. Please don't send this printout to University.
I have read the above instructions carefully.


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